Team IE: An Intuitive Eating Group Coaching Experience for Health & Fitness Driven Women.
The New 4-Month Group Coaching Experience for Health & Fitness Driven Women Who Want to Live Confidently in Their Body & Optimize Their Health Without Dieting.
Are you a health & fitness driven woman who constantly feels like her body is NEVER good enough?
You want to live CONFIDENTLY in your body and OPTIMIZE your health, but you feel like the only way to get there is through HUSTLE, the perfect diet, and the perfect body?
You spend hours each week creating meal plans, going to the grocery, prepping your meals, tracking your food intake, sweating it out at the gym but you STILL haven’t achieved the 6-pack dream life?
Imagine if…
… You could have unwavering respect and confidence in the body you have right now
… You could FEEL your best and live healthfully without counting macro’s, fasting, Whole30-ing or any other diet or ‘lifestyle’
…. You could miss a day at the gym and not feel an overwhelming sense of guilt & anxiety
… You could eat foods like cookies, tortilla chips, bread, french fries, and ice cream without feeling completely out of control
… You could go to dinner and not worry about what to order or how to modify it without sounding like a crazy person
… You could be HEALTHY, HAPPY, CONFIDENT, and ACCEPTED without the stress of always eating ‘clean’
AND… You could finally relax and completely ditch diets forever.
Welcome to Team IE (Intuitive Eating).
Team IE is a revolutionary group coaching experience for health & fitness driven women who want to live confidently in their body and optimize their health without dieting.
This is a 4-month group coaching program that will provide you with the tools, resources, mindset, and guidance to heal your relationship with food & movement and respect & honor your body with confidence.
Team IE includes 12 modules of content that introduce you to each principle of Intuitive Eating, challenge limiting beliefs saying your body isn’t good enough, and completely transform your perspective on what it truly means to be healthy – mind, body, and soul.
During this program you’ll get…
12 modules of video content centered around Intuitive Eating, body confidence, and mindset & beliefs that are holding you back
Customized action items, exercises, and resources to enhance your coaching experience with each module
Weekly group coaching calls
Private Facebook Community for unlimited support, stretch, encouragement, and accountability
Weekly Live Q&A’s for additional support between group calls
This is unlike any health experience you’ve ever had.
For decades we’ve spent a HUGE chunk of energy on trying to force our body into a size and shape that it’s not.
We’ve spent hours researching the BEST diet to live a healthy life.
The BEST time to workout… to burn fat.
The BEST type of workout… to burn fat.
The BEST lifestyle… to burn fat.
We dedicate ourselves to the hustle of sweating our asses off every morning, sticking to a ‘clean’ eating protocol, and doing our very best to not fall off the wagon.
And you know what? We do it for a very good intention…
We want to be healthy.
We want to be fit.
We want to be happy.
We want to live a long, wonderful, amazing life!
Those are incredible things to desire but the thing is…We’ve been lied to.
We’ve been told that we can ONLY achieve those things IF we grind, and hustle, and never miss the workout, and stick to the diet, and buy all of the paleo protein powders, sauces, and almond butters.
We are fed this absolute fallacy that IF we stick to the plan and IF we get ‘the’ body THEN we can have it all.
Everything we’ve ever wanted.
All of its glory perfectly placed inside a flat, toned, bronzed belly that will only reveal itself to us when we get there.
When we lose the weight. And the body fat. And sacrifice SO much of our lives.
Does this sound like you?
… You feel like everything can be fixed with a ‘clean’ diet and an active lifestyle. Food and movement are today’s medicine.
… You LOVE fitness (some might call you ‘obsessed’ or ‘addicted… in a good, slightly jealous way).
… You’re driven by health. By the desire to be the healthiest version of you so that you can live this incredible, adventurous, beautiful, long life.
… You spend your time researching paleo, Whole30-friendly, and gluten-free recipes (especially dessert – black bean brownies, anyone?)
… You feel good about yourself but only if you’re sticking to your routine. One missed day at the gym or slip with a basket of tortilla chips and queue the guilt and anxiety.
… You kick your ass almost every day at the gym (CrossFit, cycling, bootcamp, Orange Theory – anything that gets you sweaty AF).
… Your friends and family comment on how ‘good’ you are. How much willpower you have. How they WISH they could be as disciplined as you.
… Your dream is to have a 6-pack (or at least a really toned tummy) because that is the epitome of health & beauty.
… You’ve tried several different ‘lifestyles’ like paleo, zone, macro’s, keto, intermittent fasting and may have seen some results but it hasn’t been sustainable.
But something’s off…
The thrill of taking on yet another diet isn’t as appealing as it used to be.
You’ve done this a million and one times, and it always ends up the same.
… You have to sacrifice your social life.
… You’re constantly thinking about when your next meal is and what you can and can’t eat.
… RXBAR’s become your saving grace because it’s the closest thing you’ll get to something sweet and (almost) satisfying.
… You know your body needs a break from the intensity, but you just can’t. miss. a. workout.
… You were promised ‘food freedom’ and a healthy relationship with food but all you got is this an obsession with ingredient lists, the inability to take a rest day, and several not-to-be-spoken-of occasions that involve a peanut butter jar and a spoon.
This isn’t freedom.
This isn’t confidence.
Is something wrong with me?
100% not.
You’ve been captured by diet culture. And it’s not your fault, trust me. We’re told that we’re ‘good’ for exercising intensely, eating kale, and being thin, and we’re ‘bad’ for skipping the gym and eating donuts.
We’re told that health is a size.
That thinner is better.
That fat is bad.
The funny thing is, there ISN’T A SINGLE medical study that shows dieting and weight loss are sustainable long term or essential for health.
There are over 120 studies showing the positive health impact from Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, and Body Acceptance.
These studies show that all bodies are MEANT to come in different shapes and sizes.
That you CAN’T tell how healthy a person is just by looking at their physical appearance.
That intentional weight loss is actually HARMFUL to your health.
That fat is not the problem; weight stigma & the insane pressure to have the perfect body are behind the very conditions we blame fat for (high cholesterol, high stress, high blood pressure body dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, etc.)
We fear food and we fear rest because we fear fat.
If you’ve ever been on a diet and you end up ‘failing’ it’s NOT because of you. It’s because of the diet! We’re not meant to move our bodies to exhaustion and to cut out carbohydrates. Our bodies NEED these things to survive.
I created this program because I was you.
I masked my body image issues into this relentless desire to be the healthiest person ever.
I tried EVERYTHING possible to get smaller, leaner; more toned.
To eat squeaky clean because that’s what I was told was best for me.
And it never worked.
Even if I did end up losing weight or body fat, it was never enough. I could always workout harder, eat better, buy more organic, use more products, oils, powders, etc.
And this beautiful intention of me to live a long, adventurous life became an obsession that I was praised for and that actually made my life VERY small.
I found Intuitive Eating and my ENTIRE LIFE CHANGED.
It all made so much sense.
… I was so disconnected with my body because all I was doing was listening to Instagram Influencers with ZERO nutrition background and following eating plans that never satisfied me.
… I based my worthiness as a human being on where I grocery shopped, what I ate, and how hard I worked out.
… My definition of health didn’t come through with words, but as a photo in my mind of the picture-perfect body.
Then I saw the research and I explored my own relationship with food. And I realized the reason I felt so out of control around food, so guilty and anxious for the silliest things, was BECAUSE I was restricting.
Because I was basing my worth as a human being on abiding to this ‘lifestyle.’
I gave food & exercise all of the power.
So who am I and why can I help you?
Well, as you can see, I used to be just like you. And once I was able to heal my relationship with food & exercise, I was SO inspired by Intuitive Eating and had SO much extra brain space to explore with, that I decided to become a certified coach so that I could help women just like me (and just like you) to feel confident in their bodies, optimize their health, and liberate themselves from dieting once and for all.
I’m a Certified Health & Transformational Mindset Coach through Health Coach Institute, I was trained by Evelyn Tribole, the co-creator and co-author of Intuitive Eating to become an Intuitive Eating Counselor, and I have a hell of a lot of personal experience in my own health and fitness journey (learn more about my story here).
Sup, girl.
I bet you’re a perfectionist like me.
I bet you’re a people-pleaser
I bet you’re insanely competitive – especially with yourself.
I bet people say you’re so dedicated, such a hard worker, and they wish they could do what you do.
I bet you’re lost.
Somewhere along the way you took a turn and don’t know how to get back. You want health, you want happiness, you want freedom, you want a life you can ENJOY… but how?
Team IE, Baby!
… No more MyFitnessPal. No more FitBit. No more weighing and measuring every morsel of food that goes into your body.
… No more 5am alarms when you’re EXHAUSTED.
… No more letting the scale decide whether or not you have a good day.
… No more chickpea cookies that you swear are just as good as regular cookies.
… No more balsamic when all you really want is ranch.
… No more body checking and pulling at your stomach at every mirror.
… No more apple cider vinegar shots.
… No more feeling controlled by food & exercise.
… No more feeling not good enough.
… No more waiting for the ‘perfect’ body to live the happy, successful, confident, incredible life you DREAM of.
In this program you will learn how to…
… connect with, listen to, and trust your body to tell you what, when, and how much to eat (you never have to rely on the next diet trend or your friend, Karen, again).
… prioritize satisfaction in your eating experience in a way that nourishes your body, honors your health, and makes you feel good.
… move your body in ways that FEEL good with an intention of celebrating your body and honoring your health vs. shaming, shrinking, or driven by feelings of, ‘it’s not enough yet.’
… heal your relationship with food in a way that allows you to eat you what you want, when you want WITHOUT guilt.
… respect and FEEL CONFIDENT in the body you have right now.
… stop obsessing over food & exercise and start living your best life to the fullest.
… optimize your health & wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional and all.
… give yourself permission to enjoy life in YOUR body.
You’ll also learn…
… the research behind dieting and how the pursuit of weight loss is actually harming your health.
… how to stop negative food & body thoughts from playing like a broken record in your mind and replace them with uplifting and empowering beliefs.
… how to implement nutrition best practices in your life without restricting, creating rules, feeling guilty, counting, and measuring.
… how to completely ditch diets for good and be the expert on YOUR OWN BODY.
So that you can…
… eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full – no problem.
… be completely present in the moment with the people you love instead of distracted by negative food & body thoughts (what are the macro’s for stuffed mushrooms?)
… be able to eat your favorite foods without worrying whether it’s ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ feeling guilty and/or out of control.
… be able to eat a croissant for breakfast and not feel like you’re a terrible person.
… break free from the all-or-nothing mentality.
… appreciate food instead of fixating on every single ingredient.
After this program you will feel…
Inspired to live a bigger life. To explore things you’ve always wanted to, from taking the damn hip-hop class to planning that trip to Europe
Confident, grateful, and EMPOWERED in your body and in who you are as a human being
A metaphorical weight lifted off of your shoulders. Your brain space and energy are free from body & food thoughts and you’re able to fully start ENJOYING and LIVING your life
Completely in-tune with your body, have energy, feel good, and truly take care of you
Genuinely happy with yourself and in your body for the first time in what feels like forever
What’s the cost of staying where you are?
I know you have fears. I know because I had them too.
… Fear of stepping out of your routine and completely going out of control.
… Fear of your body changing.
… Fear of harming your health.
… Fear of what might happen if all the rules go away - Who are you without this lifestyle?
Let me ease these fears for you and invite you to explore a new mindset…
… Who or what is actually in control right now? Is it you or is it the food and/or exercise?
… Let’s put weight on the back-burner for a moment. What is your current lifestyle doing for you? What’s most important in your life right now? What are you missing out on?
… As we dive into the research together, you’ll have a clearer understanding of why our bodies are meant to come in different shapes and sizes and why weight isn’t a good indicator of health.
… I know you’ve worked hard for this body. I know you’ve chosen this life to enhance your overall wellbeing but if in the process you’re stressed, anxious, guilty, and distracted, IS it really enhancing?
… What if when you let go of the rules; when you stop clenching the fist; when you stop being SO HARD on yourself that this entire new side of you comes out? Someone who is happy, confident, and FREE.
Someone who enjoys life; every moment.
Someone who appreciates their body.
Someone who loves themselves – mind, body, and soul.
What might be possible then?
And if you can have all of this AND be healthy WITHOUT all of the rules, restrictions, and guilt…. Why wouldn’t you?
This isn’t your usual health program… this is life changing.
Remind me of the details again?
12 modules of video content centered around Intuitive Eating, body confidence, and mindset & beliefs that are holding you back
Customized action items, exercises, and resources to enhance your coaching experience with each module
Weekly group coaching calls
Private Facebook Community for unlimited support, stretch, encouragement, and accountability
Weekly Live Q&A’s for additional support between group calls
What are the content modules?
MODULE 1 – Map out your journey.
This module establishes the foundation of your intuitive eating journey and sets you up for inevitable success. Here, we talk about what your unique goals are when it comes to your relationship to food, movement, and your body, how we’ll achieve them together, and most importantly WHY this is so important to you (hint: this is the key).
MODULE 2 – Reject the diet mentality.
We’ve been taught that the ‘perfect’ body will get us anything – health, happiness, success, love. Fortunately, that’s not true. This week we explore our history with dieting, weight-loss, and body-perfection, and dive into the research of why this is SO harmful and what we can do instead.
MODULE 3 – Eat when you’re hungry.
We are biologically programed to feel hunger. When we try and ignore our cravings and suppress the desire to eat, our body ain’t happy. This week, we’ll get curious as to what your unique hunger cues are, how you can honor them, and how you can start to view hunger as a good thing.
MODULE 4 – Respect your fullness.
Just like we’re programmed to feel hunger, we are also meant to feel fullness. Without fullness, we wouldn’t be able to stop eating when our body is satisfied and nourished. Contrary to popular belief, we can learn to respect these feelings and stop eating – even if it’s chips & queso.
MODULE 5 – Challenge the food police.
You know those controlling voices in your head that tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat? They also might yell at you for missing a workout or for eating a cheeseburger over the salad? These voices aren’t cool and we’re going to learn how to call them out for what they are and challenge them – because who needs that negative energy anyway?
MODULE 6 – Make peace with food.
What have you restricted the most in your life? What foods have you made completely off-limits? What foods scare you? This module is focused on holding compassion for those fears and giving you full permission to explore life with these foods back in it. Don’t worry, we take this one step at a time.
MODULE 7 – Eat to feel satisfaction.
Satisfaction is at the core of Intuitive Eating. When we don’t include this in our decision-making, we often find ourselves searching for more. This is about honoring your unique taste buds, making sure it feels good in your body, and giving yourself permission to eat the food the sounds delicious to you.
MODULE 8 – Explore your emotions with kindness.
We’ve all gone for the ice cream or box of Cheez-It’s when we’re stressed. We’ve all had a slice of birthday cake when we’re celebrating. Food is meant to be included in the human experience! Here, what we focus on is how you’re taking care of your whole self – mind, body, and soul. It’s okay to eat AND we want to open up your menu of choice so that you have other coping mechanisms in your toolbox as well.
MODULE 9 – Respect your body.
All bodies are meant to come in different shapes and sizes. All bodies are deserving of love, respect, and care; your body included. Here, we dive into the limiting beliefs that are holding us back from truly embracing our body and who we are as a human being. This is powerful stuff my friend.
MODULE 10 – Move to feel good.
If you’re here, I bet you love to move. Exercise is something that’s become a huge part of your life, but maybe you’re overdoing it a bit OR maybe you’ve lost the reason why you started moving your body in the first place. Movement is supposed to make us feel good; it’s a celebration of what our body can do, not an outlet to pay penance for eating a slice of pizza or to fuel our body hate.
MODULE 11 – Honor your health with gentle nutrition.
Health is a huge priority for me as a coach and something that is at the center of all of my coaching programs. Health isn’t just about what we eat and how often we move our bodies; although it is a part of it. This week we’ll dive into nutrition using a gentler approach. It’s not all-or-nothing; it’s not about being ‘good’ vs. ‘bad,’ and it’s not about restriction – this is all about honoring what feels good in your body while taking into account some basic nutrition needs to optimize your health for life.
MODULE 12 – Celebrate & reflect.
This week is fully dedicated to reflecting back on ALL you have achieved. How far you’ve come; how much you’ve grown. We’re celebrating every single bit of it – the big, the small – ALL OF IT. This not only allows you to give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for being so committed to yourself, your health, and wellbeing, but also gets you clear on what’s next for you now that you’re free from diet culture.
Are you ready to join?
To find out if this program is the best fit for you and your goals, apply for a free 60-minute Breakthrough Session with me where you’ll get 100% clarity on whether or not Team IE is exactly what you need.
Click the button below to schedule your free session. I can’t wait to get started! xoxo