I will never know what it’s like to be in a larger body.
I will never know what it’s like to be in a larger body.
I’ll never know what it’s like to have a different skin color.
To be a different gender.
Or to grow up in a different place with a different family.
I’ll never be discriminated against for the person I love, for who I identify as, for how I talk, my education, or where I live.
I was born into privilege.
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This isn’t your typical wedding anniversary post.
I’m not sure if it’s the fact that our first wedding anniversary is this weekend or because I’ve read the entire Jenny Han series, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (plus the Netflix movie), but I’ve been inspired to share a little bit about my love life growing up – enjoy.
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What I've learned so far on my coaching journey + spreading the love.
It’s been a year since I became a Certified Health Coach. I remember starting this journey and being so scared and so excited at the same time. I finally knew what I wanted to do with my life. A lot has come with this journey though, and I’d love to share some words of wisdom while also introducing my free + private facebook group, Feed Your Soul, Fuel Your Life!
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Dear Intuitive Eating, Thank you for finding me BEFORE I got married.
April 8th is a day I’ll never forget. Two years ago, on this day, my husband proposed to me. I had just moved with him to a small town in Tennessee for his job in January, and three short months later, he accepted another offer at a college in Pennsylvania. On April 8th, 2017, I packed up my car once again and headed to a new home that would mark the beginning of our forever.
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Do you feel out of control around food?
Do you feel out of control around food? Like there are certain foods that are just completely off limits to you because once you open that bag of chips or that pint of ice cream or that box of pizza you’ll go crazy, eat the entire thing, and then feel so guilty and ashamed and uncomfortably full to the point where you vow to NEVER EVER eat that food again?
Until you do.
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